Adopted on the 22nd. February 2020.
Section II - Aims and Objectives
Section III - Organisational Structure
Section Iv - Functions (Duties of the Executive)
Section V- Rules and Regulations
GOIS Oath of Office
Amendments, Dissolution, Supremacy
On Sunday, March the 21
st. 1975, a group of 20 Gambians gathered in the discotheque Shaft to discuss the common problems they faced as Gambian immigrants in Sweden. The problems were, even then, many and overbearing. Apart from the general problems they shared with the rest of other immigrants, the Gambians then also had some typically Gambian problems. Unlike the bulk of other immigrants who were mostly Nordic (the Finns), guest workers (Greeks, Turks etc.) refugees (Eastern Europeans), Latin Americans and Eritreans), or guest students (Iranians), the majority of Gambians were then "anknytnings"-type (connection) immigrants. This means that they had to be directly exposed to the tough and depressing problems of cultural clashes often resulting in escapist trends of alcoholism, drug abuse, mental restlessness, high rates of violent divorces and so on and so forth. Unlike many of the other immigrant groups, the Gambians came young, single and could therefore not fall back on the moral support of close relatives. Petty criminality was widely spread among them and their reputation with authorities and other immigrant groups quickly worsened. The problems were clear enough for everybody to see when they gathered that Sunday afternoon but few believed there were any solutions.There were those who believed it was in our nature to be like how we are and that only Allah could do something about it. They were not ready to waste time trying to undo what was the "word Allah". There were the "tribalists" who were for various reasons opposed to the unity of Gambians both at home and at abroad. There were the "individualists" who thought they have finally come home to the Swedish "paradise" and that all contacts that remind them of their "embarrassing" Gambian past had to be vigorously wiped out and would, as a matter of course, have nothing to do with any Gambian organisation. And finally, there were the "conservatives" whose vision of the Gambian society is one divided between the haves and have-nots, those from "good" families and those from "bad" ones, the "respectables" and the "non-respectables", the elders and the youngsters, and they were certainly not going to mingle with any riff-raffs.
All these sorts made it extremely difficult for the activists who were ready to launch an organisation to bring to about the broadest form of unity. Even now, the dream of uniting all Gambians under the organisation in Sweden only remains a dream far from reality. The solution to our problems and our interests as immigrants could best be served by an organisation; an organisation that is non-political, non-religious, non-tribal and based upon the voluntary participation of it's members in the implementation of it's programs for the creation of unity and understanding among Gambians and the Swedish community. The Organisation of Gambians in Sweden (GOIS) was thus born, an organisation that shall be non-political, non-religious, non-tribal; an organisation that shall be inclusive and shall respect and work for the best interests of Gambians in Sweden.
d. Collectively have the ultimate responsibility for the running of GOIS, for it's assets and properties, for it's financial policies and procedures, staff and volunteers.
p. The Executive Committee, the General Body, individual members and groups of GOIS members shall not have the authority to gift, transfer or hand over in whole or significant part the financial, monetary, physical or intellectual property of GOIS to another organization or organizations. It shall not have the authority to facilitate such transfer and shall be held legally responsible and liable to replace all assets plus all costs incurred by GOIS in attempts to recover such. It shall have the authority to pay membership fees to organizations the General Body has approved for GOIS to join and these fees shall not threaten the financial stability of GOIS and shall be fees equal in sum to fees other members of such organisations pay.
1. Convene a General Meeting and present it's Plan of Operation (Verksamhetsplan) for it's one-year term. The Plan of Operation shall include the activities it plans to carry out, the budget for such activities approved by the Financial Committee and all necessary information related to the Plan. The Plan of Operation shall not only be limited to cultural activities such as the annual Cultural Week but shall include educational activities, activities for women, youth and children that enhance and promote their understanding of and inclusion in Swedish society, activities that address the social, economic, psychological and other issues faced by the Gambian community in Sweden, activities that include meetings, symposia, conferences etc. with relevant Swedish authorities and organizations that inform the Gambian community of their rights, responsibilities and opportunities in Sweden and that open up employment, social and other opportunities and any other activity that the Executive Committee deems fit and that is in line with the laws, aims and objectives of GOIS. The General Meeting shall approve the Plan of Operation and the Executive Committee shall then have the mandate to execute the Plan.
2. Organise the following educational activities that shall be attended by all members of the Executive Committee: a) An explanation and study of the GOIS Constitution to help Executive Committee members understand the laws and guidelines that govern the organization. b) A course / tutorial in Conflict Resolution to help the Executive Committee members prepare for and be better able to effectively deal with any potential conflict should it arise. c) a course / tutorial in how voluntary organisations function in Swedish society.
3. Organise a General Meeting (this can be the General Meeting referred to in section 3i1 above) in which it shall solicit advice, suggestions and other information deemed necessary and helpful to it's effective carrying out of it's functions. These advice, suggestions and information may be offered by past Executive Committee members or any competent or interested party. The Executive Committee shall thank the contributors. It shall however not be obligated to adopt or implement any of the advice, suggestions and information given. It shall only use those that it deems fit or those that are necessary for the implementation of it's Plan of Operation and it's duties.
t. The Executive Committee may meet as often as necessary to transact it's business but it must meet at least once once a month to ensure the smooth and effective running of the organisation.
The following officers elected by the general body constitute the Executive Committee.
1. The Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson.
2. The General Secretary and the Vice General Secretary.
3. The Treasurer and the Vice Treasurer.
4. The Cultural Secretary and the Vice Cultural Secretary.
5. The Social Secretary and the Vice Social Secretary.
6. The Women�s Affairs Secretary and the Vice Women�s Affairs Secretary.
7. The Children�s Affairs Secretary and the Vice Children�s Affairs Secretary.
8. The Sports Secretary and the Vice Sports Secretary.
9. Deputies to all the officers shall assume the officers� functions in case the officers cannot perform their duties.
10. Where it is not possible to get enough people to fill the vice positions, the Elections Committee in consultation with the Executive Committee may cancel the election of the vice positions and the Executive Committee shall after the elections and in the running of the organisation, delegate some of the functions of the position to other members of the Executive Committee in the event that the position holder is temporarily unable to carry out his / her functions.
11. An Auditor, Deputy Auditor and Finance Committee shall be elected and shall stand outside the Executive Committee.
c. Is responsible for the maintenance of security at all premises where social activities are held.
f. Works closely with relevant officers, committees, organizations, authorities and other women�s resources that help to enhance the status of the women of the organization and Gambian women in general.
m. Engages authorities and organizations that work with child abuse, domestic violence etc. and organises seminars, workshops and other educational activities to raise awareness and work toward preventing such.
n. Observes the physical inventory count to ensure up-to-date status of GOIS� assets.
A Finance Committee shall be elected with a composition of three members. The Finance Committee shall be outside the Executive Committee and shall have the following functions:
1. The general body shall constitute an Elections Committee comprising 3 members that, after consultations with members, presents candidates to executive positions at general elections. It shall create an electoral register based on GOIS members who have met the requirements for the right to vote and this register shall be confirmed and closed latest 11.59 p.m. the night before the day of elections and voting cards and voting ballots based on the electoral register and reflecting the candidates and the positions they seek shall be prepared and given to the eligible voters on the day of the elections and a record shall be kept.
2. The elections shall be by secret ballot.
3. All candidates to the Executive Committee elections shall be nominated or declare their candidature to the Elections Committee latest 48 hours before the elections. The nomination or candidature of candidates shall close latest 48 hours before the day of the elections. The candidates shall then be presented to the general membership latest 11.59 p.m. the night before the day of elections.
4. If a candidate withdraws from an election on the day of the election, the elections for the post he / she was registered to contest shall be cancelled and a period of at least 14 days shall elapse before the election for that position is held.
5. The Elections Committee shall present to the membership through social media and other forms of communication, the candidates seeking election to the Executive Committee latest 11.59 p.m. the night before the day of elections.
6. All members of the Executive Committee, the Auditor, Vice Auditor and the Finance Committee must seek an electoral mandate from the General Body every year at Annual General Meeting in March every year to serve for a period of one year. Any member of the Executive Committee may seek re-election at the following year�s elections and may be re-elected to any position with the executive for a period of one year. If any officer or the entire Executive Committee fails for any reason whatsoever, to seek re-election and be re-elected at the stipulated time given in this Constitution and through the stipulated procedures, they shall by virtue of that failure have been relieved of their posts. The organization will thus be without an Executive Committee.
7. Where the entire Executive Committee fails to or refuses to carry out it's functions or is engaged in conflict that paralyses the Committee and GOIS and renders it unable to carry out it's functions, the Auditor, the Finance Committee or any member of the General Body in that order may seek the support of at least ten members or one quarter of the entire membership of GOIS and call a General Meeting with a public notice period of at least 14 days.
A Mediation Committee of at least five competent, impartial and respected members of the Gambian community will be appointed to mediate in the conflict to find a practical, workable solution. If after one month of mediation a solution is not found, the Mediation Committee will ask the member who called the initial meeting to call another meeting where they will report their mediation efforts and their failure to find a solution. Members of the Executive Committee will be declared as having been relieved of their functions and all related duties, privileges and signatory duties to the GOIS bank account and all other signatory responsibilities will be suspended. The Elections Committee (Valbereddningen) (and where is absent or inactive, a new one will be created) will be asked to start the process of electing a Temporary Executive Committee to carry the organization through to the next stipulated elections at the Annual General Meeting. This Temporary Executive Committee will not have the mandate and power to make long-term plans and significant financial expenditures.
The arrangements to elect the Temporary Executive Committee must therefore urgently and as soon as possible be set in motion. This can be done by the hierarchy of members mentioned above provided he / she informs the members of the organization at least 21 days before the date and through at least three methods of communication such as email, Facebook, WhatsApp, SMS, telephone and other forms of popular and effective means of communication and at least one third of the members are present and approve the elections through signatures.
8. The official languages of the organization shall be English and Swedish. Members and any other persons reserve the right to address the floor in any language of their choice. Where there are members who do not understand languages being spoken and request translation to languages they understand, the Chairperson of the meeting shall try his / her best to provide
translation from members present at the meeting and if necessary, co-ordinate with members to get the translation through telephone and other means. If it is not possible to provide translation after trying his / her best, the Chairperson shall inform the members requesting translation of the impossibility of providing the translation and the meeting shall proceed without translation.
9. Members of the Executive Committee are bound to fulfil all their duties. Failure to do so without tangible and reasonable reasons may lead to a vote of no confidence. Where a member of the Executive Committee, the Auditor and members of the Finance Committee deliberately refuse to carry out their functions, the Auditor or any member of the Executive and Finance Committees may through the approved procedures, call a General Meeting and give 14 days� notice and move that the member be relieved of his / her portfolio. This procedure shall only take place after the Executive Committee, the Auditor or any member of the Finance Committee writes to the concerned officer at least three times regarding his / her failure to carry out the functions of his / her office and informing him / her of the risk of removal with an interval of at least one week between the letters and copies the letters to the Executive Committee, the Auditor, the Secretary and the Finance Committee. Where the failure is that of one those mentioned, the letter will be copied to the others mentioned.
10. The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the second Saturday of March every year on a date to be fixed by the Executive Committee. A written notice to members regarding the date, time and venue of the meeting shall be sent by email, SMS and public announcement on social media such as Facebook, WhatsApp etc. earliest one month and latest 14 days before. Voting on any issue shall be decided by a simple majority. In case of a deadlock, the meeting�s chairperson shall cast the deciding vote except in the case of elections in which case it shall be decided by lottery.
11. A simple majority shall define victory at all GOIS elections. Candidates who stand unopposed in the election contest for any office shall be deemed to duly elected.
12. A member can only vote on behalf of his / her spouse or common law partner provided that he / she has written permission, his / her GOIS membership card and must prove the relationship. A member can vote on behalf of no more than one person.
13. Any member wishing to include any topic in the Annual General Meeting�s agenda must submit a written request to the Executive Committee latest one month before the meeting.
14. The following shall be dealt with at the annual general meeting:
15. The Executive Committee shall whenever it deems it necessary call extra meetings. Notice shall then be given at least 14 days before. The Executive Committee has an obligation to call an extra meeting if the auditor or at least one tenth of the paid members request a meeting. An extra meeting can be held up to a month after a request has been made.
16. The Executive Committee shall be dissolved on the second Saturday in the month of March every other year. The election of a new Executive Committee naturally follows.
17. Any officer intending to resign from his / her post must give a notice of at least one month addressed to the Chairman as well as tender proper handing over notes.
18. An officer in this organization must not serve as an officer in any organization whose interests, it can beyond reasonable doubt be established, are hostile to those of this organization.
19. All members are obliged to attend meetings.
20. Every member can only address the chair during meetings.
21. A high standard of conduct, respect, and discipline must be observed by all members during meetings and all organizational sittings failing which he / she might be subjected to a fine or removal from the meeting.
22. The Constitution of GOIS is supreme and shall be the basis of rights and responsibilities of all officers and members, and shall therefore, be obeyed at all times.
23. A violation of any part thereof, shall be deemed null and void (ultra-vires), and therefore subject to reprimand and sanctions, depending upon, and commensurate with, the particular violation. In case of a constitutional crisis, the problem should be subjected to arbitration by a competent authority. A constitutional crisis is hereby defined to be a problem within the Executive Committee that cannot be solved and that affects the smooth, proper and effective running of the organisation.
24. Any officer serving as officer in another organization whose interests are judged to be hostile to those of this organization by the Executive Committee will be given a period of one month to choose which organization to serve. Failing to act, the Executive Committee will end this person�s tenure of office, but not his / her membership in the organization, on account of this matter alone.
1. An inventory of all items, articles, and properties (moveable or immovable) belonging to the organization - awarded, purchased including donations and gifts (with value added), must be kept and protected by the Treasurer and copies provided to the Auditor. All members are duty-bound to protect such properties. The Treasurer may appoint an Assets Recovery Committee to recover any and all assets of the organization held by any individual or organization.
2. All records and books (accounts kept) shall, with due notice, be accessible to all members for verification at all times.
3. All income and expenditure shall be properly accounted for by every individual making such receipts and/or disbursements, as promptly as possible.
4. The Finance Committee must scrutinise and approve in writing, all budgets and financial expenditures of GOIS before funds are disbursed.
5. All financial transactions of GOIS must to the extent possible be made through electronic means to leave a paper trail to enable easy and proper accounting. These can be through bank account transfers, Swish and other electronic payment systems.
6. All donations from organisations, patrons at GOIS events etc. must be paid to the organisation through bank transfers, Swish payments or other electronic payment systems. Cash donations must not be accepted.
7. All expenditures related to GOIS events must be made by bank transfer and Swish or other electronic payment systems. Cash payments must be avoided.
8. Any officer that makes false accounting and/or embezzles any sum of money belonging to the organization, shall be barred from holding office within the organization for a period of at least five years, and, shall be requested to refund the sum willingly, or, through the course of legal justice.
9. All outgoing Executive Committee members shall with immediate effect surrender all properties and documents belonging to the organization.
10. Elected officers are answerable to queries from the members where such queries are founded and relate to the properties of the organization. Where due notice is given, queries may be answered at quarterly General Meetings.
1. Any member voluntarily working for the organization will be assisted in case of injury and shall be compensated for justified property loss or damage while at work.
2. Workers will be protected against physical attacks and insults everywhere, by warnings and bans, and if need be, by resort to Swedish law.
3. While at work, like on duty at premises (lokal), committee meetings, cultural performances, etc., workers will be entitled to one measure of refreshment.
4. Workers can refer complaints, especially work-related, to an empowered task-committee, the Executive Committee, or the General Body and be entitled to appeal against an unfavourable decision within a month�s time.
5. A "Thank you Haware" shall be organised to honour the courage, commitment, and sacrifice of the voluntary workers of the organization after a successful Cultural Week event on a date to be determined by the Executive Committee. This shall be a small event and must not cost more than five thousand Swedish Crowns adjusted by the addition of one hundred Swedish Crowns per year.
1. The organization will lend it's premises (lokal) to members on occasions of naming ceremonies, funerals, marriage and wedding ceremonies, during periods of no �bantaba� activities at half the normal cost of the premises.
2. Persons who have not paid their membership fees and hence, non-members can borrow the local, but only at a cost and at a time determined by the Executive Committee.
3. Any person who disturbs the peace by fighting or provoking a fight in the organisation�s premises will be prohibited from entering the premises or any other premises owned or hired by the organization for a period of one year from the date of the incident.
4. All members are duty-bound to protect the organisation�s premises from any form of damage, and to help maintain it in a clean and tidy state.
1. DEFINITION: A member is anyone who owns a membership card either as an individual or as part of a family that possesses a family membership card. A family membership card is herein defined as applying to parents and children under the age of eighteen. A family membership card entitles the holder to two votes at an GOIS election and discounts at GOIS events as may be decided by the Executive Committee plus any other privileges that may be decided by the Executive Committee.
One remains a member by accepting the Constitution of the organization, obeying it's rules and regulations, promoting it's interests and objectives, and maintaining a free spirit of open discussion and mutual respect. A non-member who comes to create disorder at meetings shall be immediately reported to the police.
2. The following rights, privileges and responsibilities shall apply to members of GOIS.
1. The membership of the GOIS shall be open all Gambians and friends of The Gambia who subscribe to it's aims and objectives. Membership shall be effective upon a member�s application to join GOIS, payment of prescribed fees and the issuance of an GOIS membership card. Application to join GOIS can be either written or oral. The membership fee shall be valid for one year and shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
2. Members of GOIS shall be entitled to the following rights and privileges:
a) To be present and to vote in all General Body Meetings. b) To recommend candidates for membership of GOIS and the Executive Committee.. c) To fill any office of GOIS upon meeting the stipulated requirements and on being duly elected. d) To be member of any of the sub-committees which may be constituted by the General Body Meeting or the Executive Committee.
e) To enjoy all rights and privileges bestowed upon members of GOIS.
3. The organization shall give moral support and economic assistance to it's members on occasions where it is deemed necessary. Any request for financial assistance will be judged by the Executive Committee on the basis of serious need, availability of funds, standing relationship with the organization (suspended, new or old member), activeness of individual, and sum request, i.e. such judgement should be based on individual merit. It should, however, be noted that all members will be treated equally.
5. A member can request help for protection of rights granted under Swedish law. It may relate to information, lawyers, or contacts with state departments or private support groups but shall not cost the organization.
6. The organization will render moral and token financial support when a member dies. It shall co-operate with the member�s family to organize a funeral service, as judged appropriate by the Executive Committee. The organization will co-operate in organizing a funeral service for a member who loses a relative in Sweden (only nuclear relatives).
7. The organization will give small gifts to members for naming and marriage ceremonies not exceeding three hundred Swedish Crowns, and the same gesture shall be extended to those who get seriously i'll or are imprisoned.
8. Help can be requested by any Gambian, member or not, only that it will be judged according to the rules of the organization.
9. Any member has the right to responsible free expression, to elect representatives and to be eligible for election.
10. A member has the right to make suggestions to and be heard by either the Executive Committee or General Body.
11. Any member may initiate a petition to recall an elected person before yearly elections are due by first submitting a list of members representing one-third of the Executive Committee, and second, requesting that a General Meeting be held in one-and-a half months� time to discuss, and if necessary, re-elect a replacement.
12. Everyone, member or not, has right to express an opinion without being insulted or threatened in any way; while an organisational decision reached by a simple majority is binding on both those who voted for and against it.
13. A member has the right to appeal decisions by the Executive Committee within one month; first, to the latter, and, second, if still dissatisfied, to the General Body, whose decision will be final.
14. Everyone, member or not, Gambian or not, reserves the right to participate fully in programmes or advisory committees set up to better organizational work and provide a forum for the broadest possible involvement in the life of the organization.
15. The Constitution of the organization will be freely available to all Gambians and others who may request it.
16. Every member will receive a free copy of GOIS information publications and related information as will supporting Swedish authorities and the Gambia National Library.
17. A member has the right to information about programmes and meetings no later than two weeks before the event, unless circumstances dictate otherwise.
18. Any member or officer found to obstruct the democratic process on any important issue will be criticized and a fine of up to 100 SEK imposed. With the second offence, such a person will receive a warning letter; the third, a suspension for one month; and on the fourth offence, an expulsion.
19. Anyone who negligently loses any property of the organization, with proof, will be sanctioned and made to pay for it's equivalent.
20. Any person banned from the organisation�s premises on two occasions, will on the third time receive a six-month ban; and on the fourth offence, a year�s ban and an equally long suspension of membership and withdrawal of the person�s membership card.
21. Insulting workers, ordinary members or guests constitutes an act of incitement to violence, which will be answered with a warning letter. Repeated offences will however, be penalized according to Administrative Rules E 38, 38 and 39.
22. The membership card of a suspended member will be immediately withdrawn and can only be regained if the victim pays a fine of 1000 SEK.
23. Serious offences, which disrupt the democratic and peaceful conduct of the affairs of the organization, whether relating to drugs, alcohol, violence, or sabotage will be answered with equally severe, and prompt measures, including long-term suspension or expulsion or reference to the Swedish law-enforcement agencies.
24. A member of GOIS shall lose his / her membership if the Executive Committee finds that he / she has been acting against the aims and objectives of the organisation. This shall include but shall not be limited to theft of the financial and other assets of the organization, physically assaulting another member during the course of that member carrying out his / her responsibilities as a member, gross misrepresentation of or bringing disrepute to GOIS, engaging in acts of conflict of interests that financially or otherwise disadvantages or results in financial and other losses for the organization etc.
25. Before the Executive Committee can make such a decision, the GOIS member shall be given a written notice detailing what he / she is deemed to have done to warrant dismissal from the organization and be given the chance to defend himself / herself. The member shall have the right to call witnesses and tender evidence to defend his / her case and shall respond to the written notice within seven days of receiving it.
26. A member of GOIS who is dismissed, penalized or unfavourably affected by any decision shall have the right to appeal his / her dismissal from the organization. If the Executive Committee still sticks by it's decision to dismiss, the member shall have the right to present his / her case to the General Body. The Executive Committee shall be obliged to call a General Meeting where both the Committee and the dismissed member shall present their cases. The General Body shall then make a decision. The decision shall be final and shall serve as the last last resort in this issue.
1. The chairperson of each meeting of GOIS shall ensure the fullest participation of all it's members in the discussions. He/she shall list all those who put their hands as they do so and call upon them to speak in the order of their indication. This rule shall be followed at all meetings: annual, council, committees and any sub-committees that may be formed by the committees.
2. The quorum at any meeting of GOIS (Annual General Meeting, Executive Committee and General Body), shall be thirty- three percent of the members.
3. Decisions of the Annual General Meeting shall be in the form of resolutions, declarations or statements. They shall formally be moved by way of motions which shall be seconded before they can be debated. A vote on each motion shall be taken until a decision is taken. A majority vote shall mean fifty-one percent of those present and voting.
4. Discussions on any matter shall not be interrupted except on a point of order which will take precedence only if it raises a point of procedure that has not been followed. Points of information may also be taken if the person being interrupted accepts it. Points of clarification may be made to clarify what had been said if this is under attack. Points of clarification shall also be made to correct any wrong information which may be given by a speaker.
5. Any member may move a motion of adjournment if he/she feels that the discussion should be adjourned to provide room for rest or consultation. The chairperson of any meeting has in any case the power to move such a motion if he/she thinks it proper. In the event of this being done, the motion shall state the time and venue of the next meeting.
"I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will honestly and faithfully discharge the duties of the office of ,
which I am about to enter, to the best of my ability. I further swear (affirm) that I accept the Constitution of the Organisation of Gambians in Sweden (GOIS) as the organisation�s supreme law and as such as the basis of all rights and responsibilities. I will support, obey and defend all it's provisions to the best of my ability.
I understand and accept that:
1 - any act, omission or provision on my part, or contract entered into or executed on behalf of GOIS, that contravenes the provisions of the GOIS Constitution or that has not been approved and sanctioned by the GOIS Executive Committee shall be deemed null and void and non-binding on GOIS.
2 - GOIS is required by law to conform to and abide by Swedish law. I take full responsibility and therefore absolve GOIS for any act or omission on my part, during the execution of my duties, that contravenes Swedish law.
3 - I shall not engage in nepotism, favouritism, tribalism, religious discrimination in the execution of my duties and I shall behave and treat GOIS members with the highest manner of respect and decorum.
4. I shall represent GOIS to the best of my ability and with the highest manner of respect and decorum.
5 - I am required to enhance the financial machinery of GOIS. In this regard, I am required to provide proper accounting in the form of receipts or other documents for all transactions entered into on behalf of the organisation.
6 - it is a crime to embezzle, falsify documents or in any way engage in fraudulent financial and other activities detrimental to the financial and other interests of GOIS. I accept that in the event of my engaging in such activities resulting in loss to the organization, GOIS reserves the right to either demand full compensation for loss incurred as a result of my activities plus all related costs or seek recourse through the law and that I shall be liable for all additional costs.
7 - I am required to maintain and take utmost care of any property belonging to GOIS in my possession. I agree to repair or pay appropriate compensation as determined by the GOIS Executive Committee for any damage to or loss of GOIS property resulting from my negligent handling of the property. 25
8 - I am required to hand over to the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson or any other member of Executive Committee delegated the task and receive proof of my handing over as soon as practicable but not more than two weeks form the date of my resignation from my office, all and any documents, property etc. belonging to GOIS.
9 - I have as a member of the GOIS Executive Committee, ultimate collective responsibility and shall be held legally responsible in equal proportion for decisions and acts of the Committee.
10 - I accept that a violation of any of these undertakings, failing / refusing to carry out my functions, being disruptive and disrespectful at meetings and GOIS activities and refusing to co-operate with other members of the Executive Committee and GOIS members is grounds for my removal from the GOIS Executive Committee according to procedures in the GOIS Constitution.
11 - I accept to be legally bound by all the above undertakings, the GOIS Constitution, Swedish and all applicable laws and shall immediately upon signing this document assume the office detailed above and legally become a member of the GOIS Executive Committee with all inherent rights, privileges and responsibilities.
Full Names:
Witness: 26
1. The provisions of this document may be amended only by the Annual General Meeting. Any member wishing to make an amendment shall submit the proposal to the general body, at least one month in advance except in the extraordinary circumstance mentioned in H2 below. The Chairperson shall submit such proposals to all constituent members who have paid their dues. Amendments shall be carried by a two-thirds majority of members present.
2. The 8th. February 2020 Annual General Meeting shall have the authority to make temporary injunctions and provisions that may set aside some provisions of this Constitution. These provisions shall be binding and legal and shall form part of this Constitution or be the basis of decisions taken during the meeting. This is due to the absence of an Executive Committee for the past several years and the breakdown of the GOIS operational systems. These provisions include changes to the GOIS Constitution and it's adoption and changes to procedures and provisions established in this Constitution. Changes to provisions of this Constitution shall be decided by democratic means in the form of voting where a simple majority of eligible members amends or in the form of new provisions, validates the provision. This includes a provision that no agreement or business transaction made by any individual member or group in the name of GOIS shall be binding on the Executive Committee that shall be elected on the 22nd. February 2020. Any such agreement or business transaction shall be deemed illegal and ultra vires and shall be rejected.
3. No member shall have the right to bring an end to the Organization of Gambians in Sweden. All members have an obligation to preserve the existence of the organization.
The adoption and coming into force of this Constitution shall nullify all previous Constitutions and by-laws of the Organization of Gambians in Sweden. Any law or rule made after the adoption of this Constitution that does not conform to the provisions of this Constitution shall be null and void.
This Constitution is adopted on the 22nd. Day of February 2020.
Place: Husby, Stockholm, Sweden.
Signed: Lamin Jarju
Signed: Buharry Gassama
This Constitution was revised and prepared by Buharry Gassama. February 2020.